Asiatic Wild ass Drinking at night

Описание к видео Asiatic Wild ass Drinking at night

Asiatic Wild ass / פרא
The wild ass, also known as the Arabian or Israeli wild ass, is a species of equid native to Israel and other Middle Eastern regions. Its scientific name is Equus africanus. These majestic animals possess a sandy-colored coat and long legs, well-adapted for running in their arid habitats. Over the years, their populations have faced threats due to habitat loss, hunting, and competition with domestic livestock. Conservation efforts have been made to protect these endangered creatures and preserve their natural habitats. By safeguarding the wild ass populations in Israel and the surrounding areas, we contribute to the overall biodiversity and ecological balance of the region.

15 8 2023 EZUZ Wild ass, Asiatic Wild ass Drinking, Asiatic Wild ass, Wild ass,


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