STAR WARS Rancor conflict - Stop Motion

Описание к видео STAR WARS Rancor conflict - Stop Motion

Rancor conflict is the history about a felucian rancor attacked by the droids and helped by the jedi masters Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli and commander Bly.

Thanks to Xunade88 for inspiring me.

Software used:

*iMovie HD for the video edition.
*FXhome EffectsLab Pro for the explosions and blasters.
*FXhome CompositeLab Lite for the green/blue screen.
*Cheetah3D for the 3D effects.

-Star Wars sound effects web:
-Music and more sound effects from star wars:
-Explosion effects gallery:

Star wars belongs to George Lucas and Lucasfilms.

Thanks for watching!


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