Uncommon Church Security Scenario

Описание к видео Uncommon Church Security Scenario

I think most of us have an idea of what we would do if there was a fire on our property.

We probably have evacuation routes, even if they aren’t posted on every door like they should be.

Most of us probably even know what we would do in the case of a medical emergency, such as a heart attack or cardiac arrest.

We might not know off the top of our head where our AED machine is, which you really ought to, but we do know how to dial 911.

A couple of weeks ago we had an incident at my church, where a young lady was facing symptoms of withdrawal.

Withdrawal is a series of symptoms that typically happen when someone abruptly stops taking drugs, either pharmaceutical or street.

It’s important for us, especially if we are in charge of our safety or security team, to be able to identify symptoms of withdrawal, even if we aren't trained to give a proper or professional diagnosis.

In this video Preston gives a simple plan for identifying and managing someone who might be suffering from withdrawal.

Remember, as in all emergency medical cases, we have to lean on medical professionals. The purpose of identifying potential symptoms is so we can get them the assistance that they need.

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