A Gathering of L-Birds, Alamo Liaison Squadron, Cannon Field Texas

Описание к видео A Gathering of L-Birds, Alamo Liaison Squadron, Cannon Field Texas

My cousin I and I visited the squadron at Cannon Field, Texas 53T 6/22 on a fact finding whim with no warning and when we got there we were warmly welcomed by some pilots and the Curator Gene Jensen and treated like one of the guys. After being shown about the museum and having gotten to see the L-Birds hangered there as well as a gorgeous Cessna 152 and a 120 (for sale) with only pics taken, we noticed that suddenly the birds were being brought out to fly and we were on our own as all the guys there were the pilots. One, two, three and more kept coming out of the hangars and I filmed 'em as I saw them and then we went up in the tower and got some really fun video, it was like being on the bridge of an Aircraft Carrier. A RV-6 popped out at the end. What a treat and I was so impressed with the treatment and great fun I had I made a donation when I got home. They have a Stinson L-5 under restoration. Check out the Alamo Liaison Squadron at their website and donate if you can. Taylorcraft, Aeronca, Interstate, Piper


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