How Ozonated Water Works ? Advantages of Electrolytic Ozone 【BES Group】

Описание к видео How Ozonated Water Works ? Advantages of Electrolytic Ozone 【BES Group】

Ozone water is also one of the safest disinfectants. It's effective, fast, and 100 percent natural in disinfection. Compared to general chlorine disinfectants, its disinfection speed is said to be 3,000 times faster, and its sanitation ability 50 times stronger. In fact, the ozone cycle is happening every day around us. Ozone in the air protects us from the harm of UV and microorganisms.

【An Environmental-Friendly Disinfectant】
In recent years ozonated water has become more accessible to businesses and hygiene-minded homeowners as a disinfection method through advancements in electrolytic ozone technology. There are numerous benefits that this technology provides to a variety of industries. Ozone has applications for removing odors and contaminants in industries ranging from healthcare, food and beverage, professional cleaning, and your home.

Some of these include:
Killing bacteria on surfaces of kitchen counters and food prep stations
Cleaning food like fish, meat, vegetables, and poultry, by removing bacteria and pathogens through washing with ozonated water
Removing odors associated with mildew from bacteria in the laundry – your laundry can come out completely odor-free with ozone and eliminating the need for bleach and large amounts of detergent
Disinfecting dental water units

【Ozone is your friend】
Ozone is not to be feared. Using some simple safety guidelines, we can get a myriad of benefits from ozone technology to keep our food and water clean, prevent bacterial infections and viruses, and replace the use of chemical disinfection like chlorine that is harmful to both handlers and the environment over time. By following those simple guidelines, we can get the best out of ozonation technology without risking our health.

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