诱人的浓汁咖喱鱼头 Fish Head Curry SECRET Ingredient | Bahan ini buat Kari Kepala Ikan TERLAJAK SEDAP

Описание к видео 诱人的浓汁咖喱鱼头 Fish Head Curry SECRET Ingredient | Bahan ini buat Kari Kepala Ikan TERLAJAK SEDAP

Being a Malaysian, most of us love fish head curry. It is a one pot meal which the whole family can enjoy. You can use any kind of fish head that you prefer as long as it is fresh. For a good pot of fish head curry, the gravy must be thick and flavourful. Find out the secret ingredient that will add the umami flavour to your fish curry. Remember to cook plenty of white rice as you will need it.
作为马来西亚人,我们大多数人都喜欢咖喱鱼头,一锅就可以大快朵颐。 您可以使用任何喜欢的鱼头,只要它是新鲜的即可。对于一锅好咖喱鱼头来说,肉汁必须浓稠而美味,必须知晓提鲜咖喱中的秘密成分。请记住要煮多点白米饭,因为需要它。

警告 : 在此视频中从9:26开始有吃东西的声音(ASMR/自主感官经络反应)

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TRIGGER WARNING : ASMR Eating sounds from 9:26 minutes onwards in this video
If you do not like eating sounds, please do not watch it or TURN OFF THE SOUND


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