Detective Dachshund and the Fluffy Thief - Teaser Trailer

Описание к видео Detective Dachshund and the Fluffy Thief - Teaser Trailer

Detective Dachshund and the Fluffy Thief by Decima Blake

Detective Dachshund of Battersea Police wears a smart blue hat and a matching fleece.

He has boundless energy for fighting crime, but his detective skills, sadly, are far from sublime.

Now, Detective Dachshund one night was told, to catch a fluffy thief who was sneaky and bold.

The thief went by the name of Clawdius Cat... and should our detective trust Reece the Rat?

Wanted posters showed the cat's cheeky face, blowing raspberries from lamp posts all over the place!

Officers had already scoured the city... how could Detective Dachshund find this bad kitty?

Order your copy now!


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