Record performance at Grupo Petrópolis in Uberaba: a new complete brewing facility

Описание к видео Record performance at Grupo Petrópolis in Uberaba: a new complete brewing facility

English and Portuguese subtitles available. Portuguese and German description below.

The Brazilian private brewery Grupo Petrópolis commissioned Krones to build a complete brewing facility at its newly established site in Uberaba: An 8-million-hectolitre brewery with two identical Steinecker brew lines and a total of 40 tanks. Plus two Krones high-speed canning lines and two returnable glass lines. With unbelievable six million cans filled a day, the sustainable enterprise is celebrating a premiere! Diego Gomes reveals more about the record-breaking project in this video.

A cervejaria privada brasileira Grupo Petrópolis encomendou à Krones a construção de uma fábrica de cerveja completa no seu local recentemente estabelecido em Uberaba: Uma cervejaria de 8 milhões de litros com duas linhas de cerveja Steinecker idênticas e um total de 40 tanques. Mais duas linhas de conserva de alta velocidade Krones e duas linhas de vidro retornáveis. Com um inacreditável seis milhões de latas cheias por dia, a empresa sustentável está a celebrar a sua estreia! Diego Gomes revela mais sobre o projecto de quebrar recordes neste vídeo.

Die brasilianische Privatbrauerei Grupo Petrópolis beauftragte Krones damit, eine Komplettbraustätte an ihrem neugegründeten Standort in Uberaba zu errichten: Eine 8-Millionen-Hektoliter-Brauerei mit zwei identischen Steinecker Sudlinien und insgesamt 40 Tanks. Außerdem zwei Krones Highspeed-Dosenlinien sowie zwei Mehrweg-Glasanlagen. Mit unglaublichen sechs Millionen abgefüllten Dosen am Tag feiert das nachhaltige Unternehmen Premiere! Mehr zum rekordverdächtigen Projekt verrät Diego Gomes in diesem Video.

The Krones Group plans, develops and manufactures machines and complete lines for the fields of process, filling and packaging technology. Its product portfolio is rounded off by information technology, factory planning and products from Krones’ subsidiaries as intralogistics, valve production etc.

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