How to Become a Card Carrying POTA Activator

Описание к видео How to Become a Card Carrying POTA Activator

Here's something a little different. POTA Gear, Get yours at Besides being a licensed amateur radio operator, I'm also a FAA certified commercial drone pilot. During flight operations I've found it helps to keep the Karen's at bay by looking as official as possible.

In high traffic areas I'll wear a safety vest with a hardhat or my ball cap with the FAA emblem on it just so I look more like someone doing my job than that of just a hobbyist,

So I was thinking, in certain circumstances it might be wise to present that same air of professionalism during a POTA activation. I don't think a safety vest would be necessary although in wildlife areas during hunting season the yellow vest is certainly a good idea, but when I came across a site that sells POTA gear such as t-shirts, flags stickers and such. One item that caught my eye was a POTA Activator badge that features your name, call sign, operator class and state.

I Immediately thought about the activation I did at a state park where I was approached by a park ranger. Had a brief talk and he told me I was fine to set up where I was at, but failed to tell me I would soon be surrounded by 50 or so cars and about 200 girl scouts and there parents. This was a time that I would have liked to look more official. Instead of like the old creepy guy in a van in the middle of a girl scout jamboree. Thinking back on this I thought getting a badge might not be a bad idea and could come in handy in the future.

So for the meager price of $10 dollars I proceeded to fill in the info I wanted on my badge and clicked the add to cart button, processed my credit card info and set back and waited to become an official card carrying POTA activator and that day has arrived, so let's open up this package and see what we got.
Okay, that's all I got for now, if you like this video want to learn more about ham radioa and park on the air, subscribe to the channel to be notified when new videos come out and as always, thanks for watching and I hope you have a great day!


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