Big ocean waves crashing into rocks and exploding - HD 1080P

Описание к видео Big ocean waves crashing into rocks and exploding - HD 1080P

Close-up video of big ocean waves crashing into rocks and exploding high into the air and past the camera. Filmed so close to the break, you can almost taste the salt spray!

On the day I filmed this, the swell was peaking at 15 to 20 foot (4-5 meters) which made for some spectacular waves crashing against the rocks. To give you an idea of scale; the rocks on the other side of the frame are about 20 feet (6m) high.

Just a quick note on the color of the foam for those who are not familiar with different types of sea foam. This video was shot in a pristine marine nature reserve with excellent water quality. The type of foam produced by diatoms is usually cream to caramel in color and in this area is due to the up-welling of nutrients after prolonged windy conditions when their populations thrive. It's because of the up-welling of nutrients and resulting phytoplankton blooms that the sea is able to support so much life and is therefore a sign of a healthy and productive ocean. Foam is produced when the phytoplankton are torn apart by the crashing waves and their spilled cell contents acts like soap, trapping air as it's churned up in the surf.

Hope you enjoy the video as much as I did filming it. Consider subscribing if you want to be notified when I upload new nature scenes. I also welcome comments and please do recommend my videos to your friends and family if you think they might like them too! :) Thanks so much for your support if you have already!

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