Q-q-q-q-q-uiet Casey... NEVER TAKE THE STAIRS, Goosebumps throwback and never bully Peggy. EPPY 39!x

Описание к видео Q-q-q-q-q-uiet Casey... NEVER TAKE THE STAIRS, Goosebumps throwback and never bully Peggy. EPPY 39!x

It's Eppy 39 huns! What car are you? A zippy Italian model or a sturdy Subaru?
Our stories have some serious moral tales - like never taking the stairs (get in the lift for god sake) and don't be a twatting bully. It won't go well for you. Team Peggy.

Creep of the Week get's too attached and Goosebumps takes Suzie further into a hot mess.

We end with the Zodiac... does Hannah believe in her Capricorn vibe?

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