Messer Chups - Birmingham, Al. June 16, 2024.

Описание к видео Messer Chups - Birmingham, Al. June 16, 2024.

Messer Chups - B’ham - June 16, 2024. Please enjoy, I tried to capture the moment as the music was being played, so the camera angle changes with the current song. After the concert, Oleg Guitaracula, Mattia Bertilassi, or Matthew, handled the merchandise table while Zombierella greeted,posed for pictures and spoke with for some time, those whom stayed after the concert. I noticed when someone might be a little shy while holding their phone, she would ask - would you like a picture? Svetlana “Zombierella” is a class act.

Messer Chups , playing live so others can enjoy the moment with them, Thank you, @thezombierella, @mattia_caterpillar @olegguitaracula, - MCW


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