Meghalaya Travel Vlog || Part-3 || Shillong to Laitlum Canyon, Shnongpdeng, Dawki, Sylhet, Dhaka

Описание к видео Meghalaya Travel Vlog || Part-3 || Shillong to Laitlum Canyon, Shnongpdeng, Dawki, Sylhet, Dhaka

Laitlum Canyon:

Laitlum Canyon, often referred to as the "End of the Hills," is one of Meghalaya's most stunning natural wonders. Nestled in the East Khasi Hills, this majestic canyon offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and hills. The name 'Laitlum' translates to 'end of the world,' and the sheer cliffs and vast expanse of the canyon truly make it feel like a place where the earth meets the sky.


Shnongpdeng, located near the town of Dawki in the West Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, is a hidden gem that captivates visitors with its serene beauty and crystal-clear waters. This picturesque village, situated along the banks of the Umngot River, is renowned for its stunningly transparent waters that appear almost glass-like. The sight of boats seemingly floating in mid-air due to the river's clarity is a visual treat that has earned Shnongpdeng a special place in the hearts of travelers.


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