【BeluBaba】249😋帶子炒蘆筍💯簡單不平淡 Sautéed Asparagus with Scallops【ENG Sub】

Описание к видео 【BeluBaba】249😋帶子炒蘆筍💯簡單不平淡 Sautéed Asparagus with Scallops【ENG Sub】

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Preparing meals doesn't have to be a hassle. With this quick & simple recipe, you can get a delicious dish on the table in minutes. The flavourful crust of scallops & the natural sweetness of asparagus simply make a perfect pair. Try it today!

材料 Ingredients:

蘆筍 200-300 克 / Asparagus 200-300g
帶子肉 5-6 隻 / Deshelled Scallops 5-6pcs
牛油 25 克 / Butter 25g
蒜頭 3-5 瓣 / 3-5 Cloves of Garlic
紅蔥頭 1-2 個 / 1-2 Shallots
橄欖油 / Olive Oil
糖半茶匙 / Sugar half tsp
鹽 適量調味 / Salt to taste
黑胡椒碎 適量調味 / Ground Black Pepper to taste

烹飪步驟 Instructions:

1/ 蒜頭及紅蔥頭切片。
Slice garlic & shallots.

2/ 刨去蘆筍下半部較硬外皮。
Peel off skin from bottom half of each asparagus spear.

3/ 將蘆筍切成三段。
Cut asparagus into 3 portions.

4/ 以廚房紙輕壓帶子逼出及印乾多餘水份。
Place scallops between 2 paper towels then press gently to remove excess water.

5/ 煲滾一小鍋水,加入 1 茶匙鹽及少許橄欖油。
Bring a small pot of water to boil. Add 1 tsp of sea salt & a drizzle of olive oil.

6/ 放入蘆筍焯水約 1 分鐘後撈起備用。
Parboil asparagus for about 1 minute.
Remove from water & set aside.

7/ 熱鑊加橄欖油,加入牛油,讓其溶化融合。
Heat pan with olive oil, melt the butter into it.

8/ 先把帶子一面煎封至金黃色,期間先別翻動。
Let scallops sit still searing to get browning on first side.

9/ 翻轉將另一面也煎至金黃。
Turn & sear the other side to golden brown.

10/ 以鹽及黑胡椒碎調味。
Season with salt & ground black pepper.

11/ 翻轉一下繼續煎至焦香後盛起備用。
Turn & keep searing to get nice golden brown crust.
Remove from pan & set aside.

12/ 於同一鑊爆香蒜頭及紅蔥頭片。
Toss in garlic & shallot slices to the same pan.
Sauté until fragrant.

13/ 加入蘆筍翻炒拌勻。
Add asparagus & stir fry to mix well.

14/ 以鹽、黑胡椒碎及糖調味。
Season with salt, ground black pepper & sugar.

15/ 拌勻調味料後加入帶子翻炒均勻即成。
Stir thoroughly then toss in scallops.
Give it a quick stir to mix well.

完成!上枱! Ready to serve, enjoy!

廚房小貼士 Practical Cooking Tips:


Browning, not steaming...
To avoid steaming instead of browning, scallops should be
pat-dried to remove excess water before searing.
A combination of olive oil & butter will also help giving
scallops a flavourful brown coloured crust.
Sear 2 minutes on the first side to get browning,
flip to other side & sear for another 2 minutes to get
nice golden brown crust & still be tender on the inside.


Music by Anja Kotar - Digital Diary - https://thmatc.co/?l=21E22399
Additional Photo by Connie Perez on Unsplash


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