Tribute to Naya Rivera: A True LGBTQ+ Icon

Описание к видео Tribute to Naya Rivera: A True LGBTQ+ Icon

Naya once wrote the LGBTQ+ community a love letter, and I felt the need to respond with a love letter of my own, as a tribute to her. What she did goes beyond playing a character on a screen. She's created a legacy that will last forever.

I will forever be indebted to her. She crafted me into the woman I am today.

Beware if you watch- you may cry! I certainly did making it!
Naya's love letter:
I have been so incredibly fortunate to portray a character on television that has meant so much to so many within the LGBTQ community. Off screen, I am a woman who stands in support of equality, and equal rights for all. It has been one of the great blessings in my life to receive such love and touching stories as a result of my portrayal of Santana Lopez on Glee.

We are all put on this earth to be a service to others and I am grateful that for some, my Cheerios ponytail and sassy sashays may have given a little light to someone somewhere, who may have needed it. To everyone whose heartfelt stories I have heard, or read I thank you for truly enriching my life.
I originally uploaded this on my old YouTube (Video Edits) but my channel got deleted. Still can't work out why, but I loved making these videos and felt like they brought comfort to people, so I thought I'd start a new one :)

Tumblr: chooseyouovereveryone


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