Star Wars: Starfighter Walkthrough - Mission 14: The Final Assault (Xbox 60FPS)

Описание к видео Star Wars: Starfighter Walkthrough - Mission 14: The Final Assault (Xbox 60FPS)

Set a short time before (and during) the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars: Starfighter revolves around four different pilots (three of them playable) as they fight to defeat the villainous Trade Federation.

Although the Naboo Starship managed make the jump to hyperspace and escape the asteroid field, its escape required the sacrifice of Asara. Rhys was fortunately saved by a Toydarian named Remy, and now that brings us to Vana and her involvement in Star Wars: Starfighter. Having been betrayed by the Trade Federation, Vana investigatds a secret factory on the planet Eos that her former employer tried incredibly hard to keep unknown. At the factory she discovered that the Trade Federation is amassing an army of droids and weaponry.

Seeking the aide of a pirate lord named Nym that she trapped on her base of operations earlier in the game, Vana was surprised when Nym used this oppournity to escape with his own ship. Back in the pirate fold, Nym hoped to take the fight to the Trade Federation by raiding a valuable supply convoy belonging to them.

Although he was successful in acquiring the Trade Federation goods, Nym was forced to abandon his pirate fortress on Lok. Now with revenge on his mind, Nym teams up with Remy, Rhys and Vana to rid the galaxy of the Trade Federation once and for all...
Without further ado, let's continue our journey on Star Wars Starfighter.

Character: Nym
Game - Star Wars Starfighter (2001)
Gamertag - TSxJERICHOx
Mission 14 (Final) - The Final Assault
Recording Software: Elgato HD 60
System - Xbox Original

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