Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel | Igreja Nossa Senhora Do Monte Carmelo Brasil

Описание к видео Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel | Igreja Nossa Senhora Do Monte Carmelo Brasil

The Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a Catholic church located in Caieiras, São Paulo, Brazil. It is dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, an important Marian devotion in the Catholic tradition.

The Second Order of the Heralds of the Gospel (Sisters):
The Heralds of the Gospel is a Roman Catholic lay apostolate and clerical association founded in Brazil in 1999 by Msgr. João Scognamiglio Clá Dias. The Heralds of the Gospel is known for its strong devotion to Our Lady and its commitment to evangelization and promoting the Catholic faith.

Within the Heralds of the Gospel, there is a Second Order consisting of religious sisters. These sisters embrace a contemplative and active way of life, balancing prayer with various apostolic works, including education and charitable activities.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel:
Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a title of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and it is closely associated with the Carmelite Order, a Roman Catholic religious order founded in the 12th century. The history of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is deeply intertwined with the history of the Carmelite Order.

The origins of the devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel can be traced back to the Holy Land in the 12th century. A group of Christian hermits and monks settled on Mount Carmel, near Haifa in present-day Israel. These hermits dedicated their lives to contemplative prayer and sought to live in imitation of the Prophet Elijah, who was traditionally believed to have lived on Mount Carmel. They constructed a chapel in honor of the Virgin Mary, and their devotion to her grew over time.

The Carmelites developed a deep devotion to Mary under the title "Our Lady of Mount Carmel." They believed that Mary was their spiritual mother and protector. This devotion spread throughout the Catholic Church, and the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel became one of its most recognizable symbols. The scapular is a sacramental worn by laypeople and religious as a sign of their devotion to Mary and their affiliation with the Carmelite Order.


#BasílicaNossaSenhoraDoRosário #Caieiras #SãoPaulo #IgrejaCatólica #ArautosDoEvangelho #ArquiteturaNeogótica #CantoGregoriano #CatolicismoBrasil #TurismoReligioso #MarcoEspiritual #OurLadyOfTheRosaryBasilica #CaieirasChurch #BrazilianCatholicChurch
#GothicArchitecture #SpiritualLandmarkBrazil #CatholicFaithBrazil #HistoricChurchesBrazil #HolySpirit #Jesus #Virgenmary
#ReligiousTourismBrazil #NeogothicStyle #HeraldsOfTheGospel


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