Building Sethos and Jumping into the Afterlife to Fight the Abyss. Lets Do This Archon Quest

Описание к видео Building Sethos and Jumping into the Afterlife to Fight the Abyss. Lets Do This Archon Quest

Donate to the Stream if you are financially able to only:

Check Mora: !mora
Gift Mora: !giftmora [username]+[amount]
Spend 500 for Capcom sound: !capcom
Spend 1000 for a Hadoken: !hadoken
Spend 1500 for emotional damage: !damage
Spend 2000 to make me hurry up: !hurryup
Spend 2000 for oblivion: !oblivion
Spend 3000 to Channel Dark Souls: !ded
Spend 3500 to envoke Barbruh: !barbruh
Spend 4000 for judgement: !oratrice
Spend 5000 to make me dance: !dance
Spend 6000 to relive a gameover: !jover
Spend 9000 to make me play Ayaka: !ayaya (ONLY ON MY MAIN ACCOUNT! I dont have Ayaka on my F2P account! No Refunds)
Chill stream as usual, though I plan on testing some team ideas out. Taking any and all ideas from the chat.

Also I made a Discord server if you feel like joining in!
  / discord  

#genshinimpact #natlan #offmeta


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