How to Convert from Double to Int in Java

Описание к видео How to Convert from Double to Int in Java

Learn the various methods to convert a double to an int in Java, including casting and using library methods, with a focus on precision and potential data loss considerations.
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In Java programming, type conversion between different data types is a common task. Converting a double to an int is particularly frequent, as these are among the most widely used data types. A double is a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point, while an int is a 32-bit signed integer. When converting from double to int, you may lose the fractional part of the double, as int only represents whole numbers. In this post, we will explore various ways to perform this conversion in Java.

Method 1: Type Casting

The simplest way to convert a double to an int in Java is by using type casting. Here's how you can do it:

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When you cast a double to an int, the fractional part of the double is truncated. This means that the number is rounded towards zero.

Pros and Cons of Type Casting

Pros: Quick and easy.

Cons: Simple truncation of the fractional part could lead to data loss if the fractional part is significant.

Method 2: Using Math.round()

If you need the nearest integer to the original double value, you can use the Math.round() function. This function rounds the floating point number to the nearest integer.

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Pros and Cons of Using Math.round()

Pros: It provides rounding to the nearest integer, which might be more accurate depending on your needs.

Cons: It's slightly more computationally intensive than simple casting.

Method 3: Using Math.floor() and Math.ceil()

For specific rounding directions, you can use Math.floor() to round down to the nearest integer, or Math.ceil() to round up.

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Pros and Cons of Using Math.floor() and Math.ceil()

Pros: Allows explicit control over rounding direction.

Cons: Like Math.round(), these methods are more computationally intensive than casting.

Method 4: Using BigDecimal

For applications needing precise control over rounding modes beyond simple truncation or standard rounding, BigDecimal offers a solution. This class provides operations for arithmetic, scale manipulation, rounding, comparison, hashing, and format conversion.

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You can also specify different rounding modes using the BigDecimal class.

Pros and Cons of Using BigDecimal

Pros: High precision and flexibility in rounding modes.

Cons: Much slower and more memory-intensive than other methods.


Converting from double to int in Java can be done in several ways, each with its own trade-offs regarding precision and performance. The method you choose will depend on your specific needs regarding rounding and precision. For most everyday uses, simple casting might suffice. However, for applications where precision is crucial, BigDecimal or rounding functions like Math.round() may be more appropriate.


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