The Ekofisk Field - the North Sea's first giant oilfield

Описание к видео The Ekofisk Field - the North Sea's first giant oilfield

In this video we look at some interesting facts about the Ekofisk oilfield. Ekofisk is one of the biggest oilfields in the North Sea. Discovered in 1969 Ekofisk acts (or has acted) as a hub for fields such as Cod, West Ekofisk, Tor, Albuskjell, Eldfisk, Edda, Embla & Oda. Oil is exported via Norpipe to Teeside (UK) and gas is exported to Emden (Germany).

Ekofisk exhibits an unusual life of field production profile with an initial steep decline halted by a major water injection project. There followed a sustained period of production incline fo a decade until 2003. From 2003-2013 the field production declined but following a major investment in infill producers, lots of water injectors and platform modifications the field decline has been very small for the period 2013-2020. TROVE Production Analysis, an independent remaining reserves estimating toolkit indicates that there remains some 590 mmbbls recoverable oil reserves at 01 Jan 2020. This means CoP for the field could be beyond 2050.

The video captures some other interesting facts about the geology, discovery, subsidence, blowout, infrastructure, investment and offers a whistle stop tour of an oilfield that has already been producing for over 50 years. ConocoPhillips operates the complex with partners Total, Vår Energi, Equinor & Petoro.

See this and any other hub, field, discovery or prospect across NW Europe in TROVE Hub Analysis from 1st Subsurface. Simply email [email protected] for a demo.

Mike Cooper
Managing Director
1st Subsurface

All the images used in this video are in the public domain.
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