All You Need is Love: Peter Russell

Описание к видео All You Need is Love: Peter Russell

Fifty years ago, as our culture began a collective journey of conscious awakening, the Beatles recorded their anthem, "All You Need is Love." Since then, we've been distilling the wisdom of the world's spiritual traditions, stripping away the trappings of time and misunderstanding, to reveal their common truths. In the process, the teachings have become simpler and simpler, and the path easier and easier, bringing us ever closer to the essence of non-duality. Today, as we learn to drop back effortlessly into our own Being, we are reminded, once again, that all you need is love—love for own essential nature.

Weaving his unique blend of scientific rationale, global vision, and intuitive wisdom, Peter brings a sharp, critical mind to the challenge of self-awakening.

The next great frontier of human exploration, he shows, is not outer space, but inner space—the awakening of the human consciousness.

He has degrees in theoretical physics, experimental psychology, and computer science from the University of Cambridge in England, and has written ten
books in this area, including The Global Brain Awakens, Waking Up in Time, and most recently, From Science to God: A Physicist’s Journey into the Mystery
of Consciousness.


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