Spires - The Whisperer

Описание к видео Spires - The Whisperer

The title track from Spires second full length album, The Whisperer, released 2014.


Aeons pass, but yet the myth remains
Eternal garden, the whisperer reveals to us
A cruel decision, life or knowledge of the flesh

Eastward in Eden, from dust we rose
Every tree and beast, nourished by rivers of life
And unto us unparalleled dominion
A green veil of innocence

But through this haven, the whispering enchanter sings
Of one desire, for wisdom of the earthly light

Step inside and taste the fruit of love and fear
Cast aside these shackles of our innocence
And may your eyes forever open

In this cradle of naivety
There can exist no seed of shame
Deprived of this, we’re starved of lust
With no desire to fulfil

One may hearken, a whisper on the sickly breeze
Unholy wisdom, ripening in rays of divinity

Step inside and taste the fruit of love and fear
Cast aside this burden of humility
So may your eyes forever open
Know thyselves, and ye shall be as gods

“And the eyes of them both were opened”

The sentence passed at the root of sin
Amongst the dust shalt thou weave thy charms forever more

Head up above, and heel below
Never to be reconciled in unity

Weaver of infatuation
Liberator of chaos
Healer of indoctrination
Whispering one arise

Fear not the enchanter
Nor the glory of sin
For dust thou art
And unto dust shalt thou return

Exiled in the freedom of unfettered illumination
To serve our sentence,
Plagued by this serpentine affliction

“Come hither thou prisoner
Ye who bathes in the dark
Ye who gluttons in festering bliss
To feed from his hand

“Come hither thou prisoner
Thou shalt not surely die
Thou shalt live with the freedom to endure
Cast out of his empty mirage

“Wouldst thou live in despondent euphoria?
A pathetic babe in arms
Midst my coils thou shalt truly be free
To suffer is to know liberty”

Fear not the deceiver
Nor his farcical masque
Unchained thou art
And shall forever remain

Exiled in the freedom of unfettered illumination
‘Tis man who whispers now
Blessed by this human affliction


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