Surgery: Life threatening uterine polyps

Описание к видео Surgery: Life threatening uterine polyps

A 15 year old patient comes to the ER with heavy vaginal bleeding. Her hemoglobin is 5 g/dl. A blood transfusion is started , and taken to the operating room for a diagnostic hysteroscopy. This mean a small camera is placed through the vagina, through the cervix, and into the uterus. Inside the uterine cavity, we discover 3 uterine polyps. These uterine polyps are removed using the Hologic Myosure Reach device without complication. This restores a normal uterine cavity. This method of polyp resection avoids electrocautery which should minimize risks of scar tissue formation in the uterus (Asherman Syndrome or uterine synechiae). Also performing a polypectomy with a hysteroscope ensures the entire uterine polyp is removed, which should reduce the risk of relapse.

This case is a perfect example of how the size of the endometrial polyp does not correlate with the severity of the symptoms. This case also illustrates how anyone can have endometrial polyps even if they do not have any of the classic "risk factors."

Jitsen Chang
Board Certified OB/GYN
Los Angeles, CA


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