HP 48G - Reverse Polish Lisp (RPL) Programming

Описание к видео HP 48G - Reverse Polish Lisp (RPL) Programming

A demo of RPL programming on the HP 48G graphing calculator.

Reverse Polish Lisp or RPL was a new programming language HP introduced in its calculator line in the 1980s. RPL was influenced by RPN, FORTH and LISP, and provided some a much more powerful programming environment than the previous keystroke programming model. In this video I talk through three examples: a program to calculate the area of circle from a radius, a program that determines where a number is prime, and a functional program that filters a list of items based on a predicate function.

For more information about the HP 48 and RPL check out the following links:

For a video comparing HP 48 displays check out:    • HP 48 Calculator Display Versions  

For more calculator videos, check out my channel at    / calculatorculture  


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