Technics SU-R1000 | An Top-of-the-Range Digital Hi-Fi Amplifier

Описание к видео Technics SU-R1000 | An Top-of-the-Range Digital Hi-Fi Amplifier

Audiophiles appreciate the importance of having a great amplifier for any hi-fi system, so they will love Technics' fully digital SU-R1000!

The SU-R1000 amp is a unique product insofar that there are few digital amplifiers in the world. This means the innovation and design of this piece of kit is next to none, and it doesn't take anything away from the specific choices of speakers or cartridges you've made when putting your hi-fi system together.

Come along to our shop in Edinburgh to test the SU-R1000 amp out for yourself!

Special Offer! Buy any Technics product with HiFi Corner and you will receive a free pair of EAH-AZ70W wireless headphones for free!

Check out the Technics range on the HiFi Corner website:

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