Our Father Movie Revew--What A Perv!!

Описание к видео Our Father Movie Revew--What A Perv!!

Our Father (2022) Lucie Jourdan Movie Review

Our Father (2022) is directed by Lucie Jourdan and stars Donald Cline, Jacoba Ballard, Debbie Pierce, Jan Shore, Robert Colver, Angela Ganote, Shereen Farber, Mark Farber, Jody Madeira, Keith Boyle and Tim Delaney


FaceBook:   / chase.lehock.  .
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Instagram: chaselehockythebluefuton
Letterboxd: https://boxd.it/ePUsu

#OurFather #TheBlueFuton​​​​​​​​​ #MovieReview​​​​​​​​​

I do not own the rights to the movie trailer used in this video. The movie trailer is a visual aid for the review with no sound of the trailer being used. Link to the trailer:    • Our Father | Official Trailer | Netflix  


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