Hot Mod: Turn your Tech Art Pro Adapter into an Alpha-Mount AF Demon! (You read that right!)

Описание к видео Hot Mod: Turn your Tech Art Pro Adapter into an Alpha-Mount AF Demon! (You read that right!)

I'm always looking for novel ways to tinker with exciting new tech to expand its range and utility.

Join me today as I have the pleasure of demonstrating for the first time anywhere a brand new Mod that really pushes the Tech Art Pro to its limits and shows just what this little marvel can do when used with a supported Sony e-mount camera body.

In my previous video I covered the actual modification itself, including simple directions you can use to modify your adapter at home.

Now, I'm going to show you this modified adapter performing some cool tricks never before seen with a hyper-prime lens (Attention: SLR Magic fans!), and a Sony first: the only other AF adapter on earth that can challenge the great LA-EA4 as an alpha-mount monster...WITHOUT the 1/3 stop light loss and potentially utilizing ALL the PDAF points inherent in the camera body-- not just the 15 points imbedded in the LA-EA4!

I have had a blast using this modded adapter-- I'm still finding cool ways to compose AF shots with previously not-so-useable glass!

You can learn the (not-so-gory) details involved in performing this Mod on your TAP adapter (including more on that "impossible to mount" hyperprime beast) in my lead-in video, "Tech Art Pro Awesome Adapter Mod: Step by Step Instructions!"

Please be sure to subscribe so you'll be among the first to know when a new video is released on my channel!

I welcome your questions and comments in the section below; thanks for watching and I hope this spurs your creativity as well.

Useful Links:

Minolta 85/1.4 1987 vintage lens info:

Mitakon Zhong Yi 85/1.2 Speedmaster lens (aka, "The Dream") info:

SLR Magic 35/0.95 Hyperprime M-mount lens review (including the now-outdated observation that it can't be used as an M-mount lens!):


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