King Kong's Theme (The Eighth Wonder of the World Suite)

Описание к видео King Kong's Theme (The Eighth Wonder of the World Suite)

There exists a place only spoken in legends that sailors and adventurers do not dare to go. In 1933, myth became truth when the crew of the Venture had discovered the last blank spot of the map. Skull Island is a place where Man does not rule, as it is instead ruled by a menagerie of terrifying prehistoric creatures from different bygone eras. And on top of its sinking ruins and carnivore-infested jungles, lies a tall mountain, where its true king resides. The Beast that will eventually meet its death at the hands of Man within the concrete jungles of New York City. Behold, Megaprimatus Kong: the Eighth Wonder of the World!

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one no less. I said I wasn't going to do any more mixes as I worked on Halo The Story So Far Four through Six, but after watching Godzilla vs Kong, I rediscovered an old favorite film of mine. It's been ages since I've seen the film and it's still my favorite Kong film to this day (though the MonsterVerse Kong is my favorite overall iteration of the character). The music is beautiful, mysterious, epic, and tragic (haunting can also be used to describe the later tragic elements in a way). So I decided to take those elements and make up a little surprise mix for you guys to enjoy.

Don't ask to do any other mixes, as this one came out of the blue. However, that doesn't mean I won't explore other things in the future. My focus now is with my Halo series and after that... well anything is possible.

Also, I recently found a copy of the game and it still kicks ass!

Halo The Story So Far Community Post is coming soon!


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