[MapleSEA-Draco] Uni Cube vs Hat and Emblem

Описание к видео [MapleSEA-Draco] Uni Cube vs Hat and Emblem


Not a bad first experience on Uni cube.

The hat is easy to settle with since i had alot lines to choose from as% dex% or cdr. i was hoping for prime %dex as or -2cd but will just keep -1 since it make my total -6s cd hat anyways (could've been -7!!)

I shouldn't actually cube the emblem since it's not double prime. i had 12 12 att previously keep and copium for unicube but accidently rolled away with Black cube (choice cube). oh well, i'll take the 30% then.

overall quite good experience, just like the simulator that i've been playing for the past few days.
had some fun with it with all the shenanigans and copiums, and i cant believe it i landed the correct lines most of the time, but at the end of the day, rolling the correct stats is all it matters.

0:00 Eternal Hat


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