Riverwalk Church - November 12 - Walk Humbly TOGETHER (Guest Preacher: Hojin Yoo)

Описание к видео Riverwalk Church - November 12 - Walk Humbly TOGETHER (Guest Preacher: Hojin Yoo)

Welcome to our online worship gathering! We're honored by your presence here with us. Please visit our website www.riverwalkboston.church for more information.

Our Fall sermon series, “Walk Humbly,” based on Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good… To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” We’ll be looking at ways in which God calls us to WALK with him in justice and kindness and trust, and what that looks like as we walk with one another.

This Sunday, we're excited to have as our guest preacher Hojin Yoo from Great Road Church (formerly Highrock Acton). He will be preaching on what it looks like to “walk humbly TOGETHER” and build one another up in community. Let’s give him a Riverwalk welcome!

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