The Hidden History of Henry Cyril Paget - The Dancing Marquess

Описание к видео The Hidden History of Henry Cyril Paget - The Dancing Marquess
Henry Cyril Paget was your typical member of the nobility. He was taught all the ways one should behave and educated at Eton. He needed to well versed in the ways of upper classes as he was due ti inherit the title of 'Marquess of Anglesey' from his father one day. Once the time came however, he shed the trappings of what was expected of him and proceeded to, as they say today 'Live his best life'

00:00 - Introduction
00:43 - What is a Marquess?
02:07 - Who was Henry Cyril Paget?
03:55 - Henry's Father Dies and he becomes the 5th Marquess of Anglesey
05:05 - The Spending begins!
07:28 - Theft and Money issues but the spending continues
09:10 - An early LGBTQIA+ icon?
10:17 - The Spending Ends
11:30 - Paget moves to France
12:05 - Henry Cyril Paget passes away
12:20 - Fallout and Legacy


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