L2 Abyss x7 XO: This is How PRODIGY PvP

Описание к видео L2 Abyss x7 XO: This is How PRODIGY PvP

Prodigy is a old and sad clan. When we joined Abyss they alredy was A/S grade, with hall, castle, etc. When we was C/B they declared war against us lol, because they think we was a easy target (A/S vs C/B). What a sorprise for them, after a while we also get clan hall A/S grade and kicked his ass, stole his castles, and destroyed his alliance. Also I worked out a team of spys, one of them was close to the leadership LOL.
After they got owned, we stole all his rep points, they stopped war, and disolve his alliance (coming soon a video about that)
Farmed complained to me because of this, but hey!, WTF Farmed? you forgot u started attacking us when we was C/B and they A/S, I asked to you in that time, why u attack us? and u answer me "u dont care", now u care, and now u are mad for this. HAHAHAH.
Learn ur lession. Never overstimate anyone.

Y para todos esos latinos que se metieron en prodigy a leechear: Que patéticos que son. No hay cosa mas triste que ser patético en la vida real y meterse a un game y seguir siendo patético ahí. Porque nunca se formaron un clan? Aprendan su leccion, recuerdo cuando eramos C/B y decian "Prodigy destruirá XO" jajajaja, y ahora?


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