RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat's Big Statement On Mandir-Masjid Disputes | India Today

Описание к видео RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat's Big Statement On Mandir-Masjid Disputes | India Today

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has expressed concern over resurgence of several temple-mosque disputes and said certain individuals, after the construction of Ayodhya Ram temple, seem to believe they can become “leaders of Hindus” by raking up such issues. Speaking at the Hindu Seva Mahotsav event in Pune on Thursday, Bhagwat advocated for an inclusive society and said the world needs to be shown that the country can live together in harmony. #indiatoday #mohanbhagwat #rsschief #itwebvideos #hindu #muslim #hindumuslim #temple #masjid #mandirmasjid

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