DIY VAN BUILD MISTAKES.. what we regret and what we would change in our self converted campervan.

Описание к видео DIY VAN BUILD MISTAKES.. what we regret and what we would change in our self converted campervan.

DIY Van build MISTAKES.. what we regret and what we would change in our self converted campervan.

Welcome to the first in our little mini series we are calling "A #vanlife cliche mini series"
Since we filmed our "travel costs" video and "how much it cost to convert our van" video we haven't really done anymore of these and, as we get an awful lot of questions about our van build we thought it was about time we updated our regulars and any newcomers on anything we've learnt now that we have traveled Europe a bit in our self built van, it's also nice to be able to update the van build playlist now we've used our van a lot more!

So this week we discuss our biggest van build regrets as well as talk a little about what we would do differently if building a van again, and, what we will probably change about our campervan build before setting off on our travels around Europe again!
As it isn't quite possible to travel freely just yet we have a few of these videos planned, such as "how we make money on the road", a full "van tour" and "our campervan electrical system explained and how good it is now we've tested it in all weathers". If there is anything else you would like to see that ties in with this van life series then just drop it in the comments section and we will always do our best to include it.

Meanwhile, we will still be making our travel vlogs as we attempt some sort of vanlife UK until we can get back to making a proper travel vlog series as and when we can get back to international travel and seeing how far we can drive in our tiny home on wheels!

As always thank you so much for watching and any like, subscribe or even a share is always much appreciated, see you on the next one!

Follow us on our journey as we attempt to create a proper YouTube travel series as we travel across Europe, two female travelers in a van we built ourselves!.
Hit the subscribe button to see where our little tiny home on wheels takes us next and how we cope living in a van!

Check out our instagram for real time updates..
  / camper_vibe  

Have a look at emily's blog for her thoughts on all things van..

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*We use affiliate links from which we earn a small percentage at no extra cost to yourself. Most of this is used to keep emilys snack cupboard topped up but occasionally she lets Lou have some to buy the dog treats!


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