eat ur greens [Tiny Desk Audition]

Описание к видео eat ur greens [Tiny Desk Audition]

eat ur greens

So much gratitude to everyone that was apart of this process. Get yourself some snacks, tea and enjoy.

create to express,
Gayathri Krishnan

Performed by: Gayathri Krishnan
Instagram: @gayathriikrishnan
Guitar: Francesco Staccioli
Instagram: @fra_stacch
Cajon: Gabriel de Leon
Instagram: @gdeleon_music
Bass: Victor Blagoev
Instagram: @victorbx6

Engineered by:
Jeremy Daniels, Gabriel de Leon, and Gayathri Krishnan
Instagram: @_jeremydaniels

Written by: Gayathri Krishnan and Sofie Svanikier
Instagram: @lionessofie

Videographer and Editor: Nick Huge


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