I Am Back! Let's Enjoy Mikhail Tal's King Hunt Together!

Описание к видео I Am Back! Let's Enjoy Mikhail Tal's King Hunt Together!

Mikhail Tal faces the aggressive Benko gambit but the one who soon gets an attacking chance is he! Cuban International chess master chooses a tricky combination but it turns into a catastrophe for him! With a nice attack full of tactical ideas, Tal finishes up the game!
Mikhail Tal vs Joaquin Carlos Diaz Diaz
Biel Interzonal (1976), Biel SUI, rd 9, Jul-22
Benko Gambit: Declined. Main Line (A57)
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.Nf3 bxc4 5.Nc3 d6 6.e4 Nbd7 7.Bxc4
g6 8.O-O Bg7 9.Re1 O-O 10.Bg5 h6 11.Bf4 g5 12.Bc1 Ng4 13.Be2
Nge5 14.Nd2 Qc7 15.Nf1 c4 16.Ne3 Nc5 17.Nxc4 Nxe4 18.Nxe4 Nxc4
19.Qc2 Qa5 20.Bxg5 Na3 21.bxa3 Bxa1 22.Rxa1 hxg5 23.Nxg5 f5
24.Qd3 e5 25.dxe6 Qe5 26.Rd1 Kg7 27.Qc4 Rb8 28.Qc7+ Kg6
29.Qh7+ Kf6 30.e7 Re8 31.Qf7+ Kxg5 32.Qxe8 Qxe2 33.Qg8+ Kf6
34.Qf8+ Kg5 35.h4+
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