Chrono Crusade - Within My Heart

Описание к видео Chrono Crusade - Within My Heart

UPDATE 02 - OMG! Enough on the disney thing, Ok I got it about 500 comments ago that I made a mistake! O_o

UPDATE - To avoid getting in to trouble by Copyright stuff and another vid of my deleted...
Though the AMV is mine, I do not own the song or actual anime. Thankies ^^

Woohoo! Another CC amv :D
Gah! I swore to myself I wouldn't make another CC amv until I got the dvds so I'd have better sources to use... Yet... I couldn't help myself!! XD lol
Rosette and Chrno are my fave pairing... and their just so cuute :D

Sooooo, enjoy!

Anime -
Chrono Crusade

Music -
At The Beginning


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