Hustler Fund First Anniversary Celebrations, Nairobi.PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA WILLIAM RUTO

Описание к видео Hustler Fund First Anniversary Celebrations, Nairobi.PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA WILLIAM RUTO

Supporting Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) to broaden opportunities for Kenyans remains our commitment to alleviating unemployment and eradicating poverty. We are investing KSh 12 billion annually to ensure MSMEs have 100% access to affordable credit through the Hustler Fund, which has raised loan and credit limits, granted access to short-term savings, and is matching its subscribers’ long-term savings.

During the first-anniversary celebration of the Financial Inclusion (Hustler) Fund at Green Park Terminus, Nairobi.

Present were Deputy President H.E. Rigathi Gachagua, EGH, Cabinet Secretary for Cooperatives and MSEs Simon Kiprono Chelugui, EGH, and Nairobi Deputy Governor Njoroge Muchiri among others.

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