🍒Višnje su izričito zdravo voće jer osim što su bogate vitaminom C, kalijem i beta karotenom, imaju i brojne pozitivne učinke na tijelo. Djeluju protuupalno i mogu umanjiti bol uzrokovanu artritisom. Neke studije pokazuju da mogu pomoći u borbi protiv karcinoma i umanjiti migrene i nesanicu.
🍒Džem od višanja možete napraviti i sa vrlo malo šećera, no ja sam imala baš jako kisele pa sam morala staviti skoro jednaki omjer.
🍒Najbolje ga je kuhati u većim i širokim ranjglama jer tako skraćujete vrijeme kuhanja i lakše ga je miješati ...
🍒Gustoću određujete sami kako volite, gotovo je kada na mali tanjurić stavite džem pa malo ohladite i prstom povučete kroz sredinu-ako putić ostane čist znači da je gotovo.
1.300kg višanja sam kuhala 40min.
🍒možete napraviti mali jastučić kao što sam ja jer nisam imala više višanja, napravila sam malu jastučnicu na cif da mi koštice ne ispadaju van, i da mogu koštice lako izvaditi kada perem jastučnicu, pošto ju sa košticama ne možete prati.
🍒ako radite sa cca 7 kg višanja onda ćete dobiti cca 400g koštica, pa onda stavite u pamučnu tkaninu i zašijte sve rubove, i tek onda stavite u jastučnicu koju želite, tada ne morate na cif :)
🍒vlakna koja čine jezgru višnje odlično zadržavaju toplinu i hladnoću, pa ovi jastuci mogu zamijeniti termofor, ali i vrećicu s ledom.
🍒Zagrijan jastuk od koštica višnje smanjuje napetost u mišićima, grčeve u trbuhu, bolove i ukočenost vrata, promrzline.
S druge strane, kada se rashladi pomaže u slučaju uganuća, modrica po tijelu, zubobolje, glavobolje, migrene.....
🍒obzirom na to da su koštice od višanja okruglog oblika, jastuk pruža efekat masaže. On poboljšava cirkulaciju i pomaže u opuštanju mišića glave, ramena i vrata.
🍒ugrijan jastuk od koštica poboljšava raspoloženje i pomaže da lakše zaspete....
🍒odličan je i za bebine grčeve
🍒zagrijte ga u mikrovalnoj, a ako trebate hladni jastuk onda u škrinju..
Nema roka trajanja pa ga možete koristiti dugi niz godina...
🍒Courries are an explicitly healthy fruit because, in addition to being rich in vitamin C, potassium and beta carotene, they also have numerous positive effects on the body. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and can reduce the pain caused by arthritis. Some studies show that they can help fight cancer and reduce migraines and insomnia.
🍒You can make cherry jam with very little sugar, but I had very sour ones, so I had to put almost the same ratio.
🍒It is best to cook it in larger and wider rains, because that way you shorten the cooking time and it is easier to mix it ...
🍒You determine the density yourself as you like, it's over when you put jam on a small plate, then cool down a bit and pull your finger through the middle-if the path stays clean it means it's over.
I cooked 1,300 kg of cherries for 40 minutes.
🍒you can make a small pillow like me because I didn't have more cherries, I made a small pillow on zipper so that my pits don't fall out, and so that I can easily remove the pits when I wash the pillow, because you can't wash it with the pits.
-if you work with about 7 kg of cherries then you will get about 400g of pits, then put in a cotton cloth and sew all the edges, and only then put in the pillow you want, then you do not have to zipper :)
🍒 The fibers that make up the core of the cherry retain heat and cold very well, so these pillows can replace a hot water bottle, but also an ice bag.
-The heated cherry pits pillow reduces muscle tension, abdominal cramps, neck pain and stiffness, frostbite.
On the other hand, when it cools down it helps in case of sprains, bruises on the body, toothaches, headaches, migraines .....
-since the cherry pits are round in shape, the pillow provides a massage effect. It improves circulation and helps to relax the muscles of the head, shoulders and neck.
-heated pits pillow improves mood and helps to lighten ....
🍒It has no expiration date, so you can use it for many years ...
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