Final Fantasy IX - LV5 Death - Quina's Blu Magic Skills

Описание к видео Final Fantasy IX - LV5 Death - Quina's Blu Magic Skills

How to learn the LV5 Death Blu Magic skill for Quina - Use Quina's Eat skill on a weakened Whale Zombie, one of the enemies you can find on the beaches of the Outer Continent, Lost Continent and Forgotten Continent which you can get to by using the Blue Narciss ship.

Watch more Final Fantasy IX videos here:

Boss Fights:    • Final Fantasy IX - Boss Fights  
Summons:    • Final Fantasy IX - Summons  
Quina's Blu Magic:    • Final Fantasy IX - Quina's Blu Magic  
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Mini Games:    • Плейлист  
All Final Fantasy IX videos:    • Final Fantasy IX  

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