Waterworld| Attack 1 (SNES)| Oscilloscope

Описание к видео Waterworld| Attack 1 (SNES)| Oscilloscope

Attack 1 from Waterworld composed by Dean Evans. Well i hope it is, he certainly wasn't on the wiki page but he was on other sources. Mr. Evans if you're watching, Great work.

Why in god's name does water world of all things have such a kickass ost? WHat the fuck. Why's it soo good. What is going on.

This one has some neat stuff going on. I know it's long but just watch, some really neat waveforms going on. Other songs on the album are like 10 minutes long. It kind of reminds me of those SID songs that are ultra long! I quite like it, even if it is a pain to record. IT makes for interesting viewing in the end so it is well worth it.

Hey if you see anything to be improved or have any suggestions for songs let me know :D


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