愚公移山?第二个大棚自己一个人建 | Build the second giant greenhouse by myself

Описание к видео 愚公移山?第二个大棚自己一个人建 | Build the second giant greenhouse by myself

现代社会发展飞速,崇尚“愚公移山”精神的寥寥无几。但是,正是由于这样的坚持,董菜菜才能走到现在。由于王果果要照顾尚在年幼的孩子,所以第二个大棚只能由我一人建,怎么解决问题,只能全靠摸索。Because my wife has to take care of the young child, the second greenhouse can only be built by me. But it's really difficult without a helper. How can I solve these problems?


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