Procedural Law and Substantive Law I Difference between substantive and procedural law? I Law I CPC

Описание к видео Procedural Law and Substantive Law I Difference between substantive and procedural law? I Law I CPC

Every Law is divided into two parts.

1. Substantive Law: Substantive Law is the law which determines one's rights and liabilities.

That means substantive Law defines and create legal rights of one and so the duties.

The laws such as Indian Contract Act, 1872, Transfer of Property Act, etc are all substantive law.

2. Procedural Law: Procedural Law is that law which talks about what procedure is to be followed or practiced for the purpose of enforcement of rights and liabilities by recognising such rights and liabilities.

This law is also called as "adjective law".

The laws such as CPC, Criminal Procedure Cod, etc are all Procedural Law which provides procedure to be followed in a trial.

The law is divided into two parts - Substantive Law and Procedural Law is also provided in 45th Law Commission Report.

One more thing to be noted is that the substantive law or the efficiency in implementation of the substantive law depends upon the Procedural Law to achieve to achieve the goals and objectives.

On the other hand if substantive law is not there, there is no point of having Procedural Law.

Thus, both the law play an important role in the society, they are interdependence on each other, they are complementary to each other.

Hence, the law which we are going to take up in the upcoming video is CPC which is a "Procedural Law" which provides procedure for civil suits in the Civil Court.


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