Lecture 3: Definition and Proofs on Lebesgue Measure (Caratheodory Condition).

Описание к видео Lecture 3: Definition and Proofs on Lebesgue Measure (Caratheodory Condition).

We thank the LORD of hosts for the gift of Life.
The Lebesgue Measure is for Mathematicians!, It Partition the Men from the Boys. If you don't understand this course, this video will train you to be a man!
*Summary/Content of Video.
1. Caratheodory Condition: Definition of a Measurable set in R (0:52 - 8:45).
2. The Complement of a Measurable set is Measurable (8:45 - 13:10).
3. The Empty set and R are Measurable (13:10 - 16:25).
4. If the Outer Measure of a set is zero, then the set is Measurable (16:25 - 23:05).
5. A Countable set of real numbers is of measure zero (23:05 - 34:51)

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