Nikotimer is driving around Germany and enjoying Himself

Описание к видео Nikotimer is driving around Germany and enjoying Himself

Nikotimer is driving around Germany and enjoying Himself In this video, I return from a previous trip to Germany and go to a new client for a trailer download! My route runs along the same road that I was driving in this direction and I had to go around the section that was closed due to the accident of three trucks. This time I was lucky and I traveled the entire route without delays and traffic jams. It was good weather and I managed to shoot a video in good quality. As usual, there are many obstacles to free driving along the entire route, for example, such as road repairs, speed limits and drivers who travel 70 kilometers per hour on a section of the road with a permitted speed of 80 kilometers per hour. This delays the entire flow of cars and after two kilometers a traffic jam forms at the end of the queue. This cannot be done if there is permission to go 80 kilometers per hour, you need to go 80 kilometers per hour. I will leave the rest for your attention in the video itself and will not tell, watch this video yourself! Enjoy watching! Thank you all for your comments and questions! Thanks to everyone for their support and my good mood! I wish everyone to be in a good mood and take care of yourself!
I created a book specifically for truck drivers. This book will serve you for a long time because it has no inscribed dates! You yourself can enter the date that you need and if you are on vacation, the pages are not missed. This book will be useful to everyone who loves notebooks, diaries and notebooks with paper sheets and hard cover.
Trucker time drivers Diary notes Nikotimer on:


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