What To Do When Finding A Fawn!

Описание к видео What To Do When Finding A Fawn!

During Spring to Summer the white-tailed deer gives birth to up to 2-3 babies in a cycle. Fawns can be found from May - July throughout North and south America. When a Mother Doe Has her young, she will actually leave them alone for extended periods of time, while only visiting 2-5 times a day for feeding. Though these babies are adorable, knowing when to help can be essential to their survival. In most cases it's best to leave these babies wherever they are found, but there are situations that can call for assistance.

When finding a fawn it's best to not intervene unless the fawn is exhibiting any of the issues found below.
- Is the Fawn acting abnormal, and laying on its side?
- Is the fawn crying non-stop for hours/or wandering around?
- Is the Fawn covered in fly eggs (Looks like grains of rice)?
- Is the Fawn Bleeding or has open wounds/ broken bones?

If a fawn is not showing any of these signs, finding them laying very still, alone, and quiet is completely normal. In most cases, the mother isn't far away and will be back to check on their young in due time! It is always best to check with a wildlife professional before attempting to feed or take in a baby fawn found.

Thank you to the Robinson family for giving us a call and finding help for these fawns!!

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