Lives of the Saints [PART 1 of 2] (Catholic Audiobook)

Описание к видео Lives of the Saints [PART 1 of 2] (Catholic Audiobook)

[*text: "Pictorial Lives of the Saints", ed. by John G. Shea, LL.D.]
Please pray for those who made this production available for you 🙏 Please pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory 🙏 Please pray for the Pope 🙏 - TLM - Catholic Tradition - Few are Saved - Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus

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👉The Catechism of the Council of Trent (divided in many parts):    • The Catechism of The Council of Trent  
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2️⃣   • The Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathe...  
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