Paths to Math: Sergey Cherkis | Institute for Advanced Study

Описание к видео Paths to Math: Sergey Cherkis | Institute for Advanced Study

“Paths to Math” chronicles the academic journeys of individual scholars and the moments that ignited their passion for math. With each unique story, this series celebrates the universality of mathematics and the inclusive community of practitioners at IAS, spanning a deep array of backgrounds, interests, geography, ethnicity, and gender.

Sergey Cherkis, a Member in the School of Mathematics (2020–21), is currently trying to understand instantons. Unlike particles in classical mechanics, quantum particles can tunnel through barriers by traveling in imaginary time. By combining his knowledge of mathematics and physics, Sergey is working to understand this peculiar behavior.

Learn more about Sergey’s path, which begins with an early interest in mathematics and physics, and hear how mathematics itself became a tool for overcoming challenges on his academic journey.

“Paths to Math” is produced by OFC (


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