彭亨勞勿闻名盛产榴莲 Raub, Pahang: The Land of Durians

Описание к видео 彭亨勞勿闻名盛产榴莲 Raub, Pahang: The Land of Durians




勞勿在90年代開始種榴槤之時,80都是種植D24。直到陈来福(福哥)從吉蘭丹話望生(Gua Musang)帶回貓山王“树眼”回雙溪吉流自己“驳回”,在這裡種植,貓山王就逐漸取代D24。直到2005年貓山王逐漸出名,大家才知道這個品種,而勞勿也開始以種植貓山王為主。


The two villages Sungai Klau and Sungai Ruan located in Raub, Pahang are not only the homes to one thousand five families but also over two thousand plots of durian orchards. This impressive feat not only made Raub famous for durian plantation but also the place that supplies the highly sought-after “Musang King” durians.
 One of the reasons why Raub produces such fine quality of “Musang King” is because of its terrain.
There are many mountainous slopes in Pahang which is suitable for durian plantation. When it rains, the water drains away quickly and the water retention is lesser unlike the flatlands which may cause root damage to the fruit trees.
“Musang King” durians harvested from the highlands has a brown-greyish exterior. Those harvested from the flatlands comes with a yellow-greenish shell. Fruits from the highlands fetch higher prices compared to the latter.
Back in the 90s, D24 durians was the most common type that was being planted. Tan Lai Fook (Fook Gor) chanced upon a delicious, local type of durian from Gua Musang, Kelantan and brought back its buds for grafting purpose. The fruit tasted so good that in 2005, “Musang King” durians became famous and became the specialty of Raub’s durian orchards.
The lifespan of a durian tree is between fifty to a hundred years. About a hundred to two hundred fruits can be harvested at one time from a healthy tree. Usually durian trees have three fruiting seasons in a year. The older the tree, the more fruits can be harvested.


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