Teaching Primary History

Описание к видео Teaching Primary History

Teaching Primary History
Key Stages 1 and 2

This explores developments that have taken place in classroom history since the introduction of the National Curriculum and speculates about the significance of history in the curriculum of the future . Presenter Sally Greenwood introduces two films . In the first, Key Stage 1, she is joined by Dr. Grant Bage from Cambridge University School of Education and Christine Wilson, the early years co-ordinator from a large city primary school. Together, they reflect upon the key features of teaching and learning in the Key Stage I classroom, viewing on location reports and extracts from English Heritage's videos for children to see how Key Stage 1 pupils respond to the use of story, artefacts, puppet narrators and simple history games. Parents and teachers add their insights to the mix.
In the second film, Key Stage 2, Sally Greenwood and Mike Corbishley (Head of Education at English Heritage) investigate how our expectations of children's knowledge and understanding in history have changed and developed.
Classroom footage and extracts from history videos for Key Stage 2 pupils provide evidence and a background for
the discussion. The video would be useful as an in-service resource, or to prompt discussion about the value of history teaching at parent and governor meetings.


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